GIVING By Peter Salama Tisan

Photo by Josh Booth from Unsplash

Whenever we give divergent or subjective views against the standards of the Word of God, the sole aim is just to suit our own selfish desires or motives. Giving is one of the basic element of Christianity that has been subjected to scrutiny and criticisms (destructive),because of some reasons that derives its validity from selfishness.

 Giving is the number one proof of the existence of love between two or more parties. Giving is an evidence of love and without it, love looses its validity. God does not demand for our tithes, offerings and first fruits because He needs them; He has more than enough of them, don't forget that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof". But each time He ask us to give to Him, He wants to test our measure of love and faithfulness towards Him. Our love for God in giving is not measured by the quantity of what we have offered, but actually what we have left, after we have offered. The widow who gave her two mites, gave all she had and Jesus said she gave more than all the other rich men, because they gave from the portion of their abundance, but she gave all she had. Abraham was ready to give God His only child, when he wasn't even sure of getting another one. God loves and treasures people who are Crazy Sacrificial Givers.

 Let us allow God to help us love Him more, because an increase in the love we have for God will definitely yield an increase in our sacrificial giving.

About the Author

 Salama Peter Tisan is the Editor in Chief of F.C.S Publication Unit. She is currently a 300L Civil Law Student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She is a writer leader and great woman evangelist.

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