"EXCEPT A GRAIN OF WHEAT..." By Peter Salama Tisan

       "EXCEPT A GRAIN OF WHEAT..." By Peter Salama Tisan

 He opened His palm again,
And looked at His Precious grain, 
 His grain of wheat.

This grain  He loves so much,
And will not trade it for anything.
But He knew that the real life of this   
grain,lies in it being a seed,
And that the beginning of its destiny 
 is being in the earth.

Considering the deadly experiences His   
grain would go through in the earth,
He is resentful.
But certainly, there would be the emergence  
 of a new life.
Also the bountiful harvest of more precious  
grains of wheat.

So He opens the earth,
And plants the seed - His grain   
of wheat.  He left.
 So the seed coat begins to rip off
The seed gradually dies,
And finally it gave up the ghost.

But the EMBRYO,
the beginning of a new life, never dies.
This new sprout goes down to earth  
first,  It fights until it is rooted and established
 in the earth.
Then it begins to shoot up
It grows up to bear so many more
 precious grains of wheat like itself.
 That is JESUS. 

Am nothing without You Jesus. Thanking You for giving up Your life for me. My life would have been miserable and irritating without You.Thank for this Love and this Life Lord. And I will continue to serve You even until my final breathe,by your grace and strength. I love You Lord. 

About the Author
 Salama Peter Tisan is the Editor in Chief of F.C.S Publication Unit. She is currently a 300L Civil Law Student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She is a writer leader and great woman evangelist.

You can check out some of her poems from the blog

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