The Storm of Addiction by Peter Salama Tisan

Someone must have talked you into doing this, or you got into it yourself - and the first time you tried it, it was nice and cool and you enjoyed it. It was something that pleased you, so you kept on doing it. But right inside of you, you knew what you were doing was wrong and then, you began to feel that this whole thing is stealing from you gradually some things that you value but you can't just place your hands on what is being stolen, so you decided to push away this feeling that seem to be a danger signal and continued in this path.

Now you can clearly see what this has stolen from you; it stole the relationships you worked hard to build with the people who genuinely love you, it stole your success, your finances, your health, your peace, your joy and most importantly - it stole your life.

You willingly opened your heart to this enemy who disguised to be a friend and a solution to all you problems. Right now, you really want to let this enemy out, but it won't leave, because it has overcome and mastered you. Presently, you feel stucked and caged, as if you are at the bottom of a pit and you really want to get out. But you just can't. The source of your temporal satisfaction, happiness and enjoyment has now metamorphosed into a Monster. And now, it is at the verge of destroying you.

The disciples of Jesus also had a mutual experience. Sailing was something they enjoyed  and were used to doing. In fact, four out of the twelve disciples were Fishers. On this faithful day, they were out on the sea sailing together with Jesus and then a storm arouse, a dreadful one. Their boat was filled up with water and it was about to capsize. It was after they had tried all they could to save their boat and they failed, that they remembered, Jesus Christ - the Lord over the storm, who was sound asleep in the boat. They alerted Him and He woke and calmed the storm.

I may not have an accurate understanding of your present condition, and I possibly don't have a perfect idea of how you feel,but Jesus does. He is on your boat and He can feel the negative impact of this storm on you. He really wants to help you, but He will need you to come first and tell Him about the storm. Don't assume He knows, please open your mouth and officially inform Him about your situation.

Although we cannot see Jesus physically to help us calm the storm, there is a process we need to go about this. I have come to understand that God achieves His purpose on earth through men. All I need you to do is to carefully search for a person who has the Spirit of God and in whom you can also confide in. When you find such person, please go and open up, you don't have to be scared, everything will be fine. Your freedom starts from your ability to open up genuinely.

You might not get delivered immediately, it might take a gradual  process, so you have to be patient and you need to be determined. Remember you are not fighting all alone, Jesus is together with you. Just continue to do all you have been told to do and  at the appointed time, you will definitely get delivered totally.

Recommend book by the writer:

How to discipline your flesh by Kenneth Copeland

Click here to download for free

About the Author

 Salama Peter Tisan is the Editor in Chief of F.C.S Publication Unit. She is currently a 300L Civil Law Student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She is a writer leader and great woman evangelist.

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  1. Great piece ma am touched more grace.. Long live publication unit!! Long live FCS!!


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