By Adeola Adepoju Oluwatobi

In the orchard of Christian character, there blossoms a sweet and precious fruit: peace. Not the fleeting, fragile peace of the world, but a deep, abiding inner serenity rooted in something far greater. This peace is a gift of the Holy Spirit, one of nine characteristics cultivated in the hearts of those who surrender to God's transformative power.

The Bible paints a vivid picture of this spiritual peace. In Isaiah 26:3, we are promised, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." This peace transcends circumstance, a steady anchor in the storms of life. It's the peace Jesus offered his disciples, saying, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27)

Biblical Meaning of Peace

There are three biblical meanings of peace namely.

1. Peace with God (2 Corinthians 5 : 18)

This refers to spiritual peace which a believer experiences immediately he/she gives his/her life to Jesus as his/her Lord and personal Savior.

Peace is one of the fruit of the spirit that is expected of a Christian to exhibit. Peace with God does not mean absence of war or tribulation but absolute calmness even in the storm of life. This can only happen to a child of God.

2. Peace within/emotional peace (Colossians 3:15)

This is the type of peace which a child of God experiences even in the storm of life. Jesus said in John 17 “in the world you will see tribulation but be of good cheers, for I have overcome the world”.

The world is full tribulations, temptations, persecutions, turbulences, war, hatred, murder etc. But despite all these, believers experience absolute calmness, because of the faith in Jesus who is under control.

3. Peace with others (Relational Peace) Ephesians 2:16

Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection has reconciled all believers so that we can relate with one another peacefully with the love of Christ (Agape love). As children of God, we can only experience peace when we love one another. It is a new commandment that Jesus gave. “ By this will all know that ye are disciples, when you love another”. For the world to experience peace, we must extend the true love of Christ to the unbelievers by preaching the gospel so that peace can be restored to people’s life. Wthout Jesus- the prince of peace , there cannot be peace in the world. This is the great commission for all Christians.


Cultivating the fruit of peace is a lifelong journey, and it requires active cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, reading scripture, meditation, and practicing these features in daily life, we can experience the transforming power of God's peace in our lives and share it with those around us.


The bible commanded that we follow peace with ALL men. How can a believer actually follow peace with people who like and make trouble?

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Deadline for submission: Wednesday, 7th February 2024, on or before 3pm


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