The Chronicles of King Solomon had always been a reference point for me, when it comes to the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and their application which is wisdom. I had always esteemed him high in my thoughts and speech, but then I was privilege to see something entirely different about him.
We've read and applauded him for the great sacrifice he offered to God. The dimension that amuses and is of keen interest to us, was when God asked him what he wanted, he asked for wisdom instead of riches, wealth or honour. As I was ruminating over this Biblical event, a question was dropped in my spirit, which is" why ask for a part when you can get the whole?".
Was there something more important Solomon could have asked for instead of Wisdom? Okay, even if Solomon's request wasn't in alignment with God's will, why did God grant his request?
The surpassing need a man has above other needs, is the need to know God more and being intimate with Him. The tragic thing is that, this particular need is mostly at the bottom of our bucket list. And after we've gone and wasted our time in the pursuits of mere shadows that looks like treasures, we return to that One PERSON we've ignored and that is God. Solomon had all the wisdom, but how did he end? The catastrophe that befell Israel started from him and after everything, his statement was "vanity upon vanity, all is vanity".
Samson thought that his greatest need was "power", infact that was the reason why he was birthed, so he pursued and acquired it, but where did his power get him to, the Mill house.
There was no way God would have rejected his (Solomon's) request, because he offered the sacrifice. When a man sacrifices, he alters the natural order of events to work for his favour. Permit me to digress a bit: Three kingdoms( Israel, Judah and Edom) went to war against Moab. God had assured them of victory and they were winning during the course of the battle. When the Moabitish king saw that he was loosing, he withdrew himself, and sacrificed his son who is supposed to be the next king. Immediately he did this, the battle turned against the three kingdoms and the king of Moab started to win. That's the power of sacrifice.
God is giving us blank cards and He wants us to fill it up with our requests, but what are we asking for? There is no true joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, peace outside God. It's time to prioritize God above our greatest and most important need.
I have learn alot from this. Keep writing, God bless you.