What is Love By Edokpa Ephraim Esoche

There was once a question that brushed my friend's heart, although he couldn't respond to it. "What can you say about love when you've never experience, known, or been into love?"

He was shocked to hear that Someone like me had never been in a romantic relationship.

It made me laugh as I replied - "Do you truly understand what love is?" Astonished he asked, "What is Love? "God is love" I replied, all he does is love and care.

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
- 1 John 4:8

Love is the Fruit of the Spirit

Love is in us, all we need is demonstrate and exercise this love. Love is the summary of Paul's first epistolary message to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 13).

There's no doubt that love is Agape Which is the unconditional and purest kind of love. It is the kind of love from mother to child, this love is pure, true, perfect and real.

The Agape Love is wide open and ready to receive and accommodate all, it is a kind of love that is reckless but causes no wreck.

"To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another"
- Gilbert K. Chesterton

Love is a Bond of Perfectness.

Love is a great virtue and gift, indeed its is the greatest virtue of all. If there's anything better than to be loved, then that is caring, but how can you care for someone you don't love?. To Love is giving or sharing your little or more when the need arises.

"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Therefore, Love is a profound and caring affection towards someone, it is helping others even in inconvenience and being charitable not necessarily by joining/creating a charity foundation.

How does Love then Work?

Oh! You received love, but have you ever loved others?. This implies that "as much as you receive love, give back love". You don't have to generate feelings or affection to love others.

Love is the Motive of the Heart.

Love is showing kindness without expecting a reward. Love is not a short term business that one quit with effect, when fed up or due to affected factors. Love transcends time and seasons.

"Love gives itself a chance, it cannot be bought or sold. You don't have to convince anyone to love you by force. It is an action that ought to be carried out."

Love is not making oral declaration, but making it visual and shouldn't be done just to reciprocate one's good deeds.

Love is not Blind

Although it blinds individual, it blinds one's eyes from seeing the faults of another. Many a times, due to challenges and difficulties in relating to one another, one would tell another; "I don't love you anymore, If I ever did, i don't really do". As such, Love makes one see clearly, seeing people who are in need of true love but cannot speak out or love back. It is loving someone despite their behavior.

Sometimes, love is not appreciated but it shouldn't be a hindrance in showing love. We do not love to be appreciated. Showing appreciation stirs up more love.

Love is Thinking of Others Before Ourselves

It is treating others the same way you would want to be treated. It is placing the problems of others before your own.

Love is Making Someone, not Blood Related, Part of your Family.

It is not just praying to God to bless you, but that he also makes you a channel for blessing others.

Love is growing a friendship in better areas other than sweet words because it's not enough to say I'm in love with you. Is it pure?

Love is affirming true love to everyone you meet because that's what you owe them. It is not only through romantic relationship you can find love and not just what we picture in a relationship.

Love does not Always Follow the Principle of "One Good Turn Deserves Another"

When you say to someone, "I love you" it doesn't have to mean that you have spcial feelings towards that person. Although, as much as one falls in love, one should also stand firm and solid in it. The Bible tells us more;

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.
- 1 Thessalonians 3:12.
Everyone deserves it. When you observe that showing them love causes them to think otherwise, leave them to their thoughts, but don't give them up to hate.

As human rights are inalienable and freely enjoyed by people for just being humans, so is love.

Love is not How the World Views it

It is not just saying; "I love you" in good times and keeping mute in moments of displeasure. It goes beyond immediate pains.

When you Say; "love you" it shouldn't be only to someone you have feelings for, but for all. The principle of love implies that even at times your heart is filled with hate.
Hate deprives one of receiving and giving out love.

Love still prevails hate

Love conquers hate.

Love is not only when a gentleman affirms first and the lady follows suit, but it is when a lady realizes that she can be love first.

You might be a victim of Love, but love does not only victimize, it drives out fear and keeps no record of wrongs.

How is love built on?

  • Love is not a substance built on beauty. Beauty fades but real love never fades.
  • Love is not built on the number of views, likes and comments accumulated on one's post or status update.
  • It is neither a substance built on the number of late night calls.
  • Love is not eye service, neither is it in sycophancy.
  • Love is not admiration, it is not lust, neither is it crush.
  • Love is not hugs and kisses.
  • Love is not making love or romance, It is not proven by a sexual intercourse.
  • Love is not in the multitude of text or social media messages.
  • Love is not sending someone a love emoji or saving a contact with a heart emoji, It goes beyond this.

A true definition of love is not any of these. Love has been frustrated and relegated into being something less than itself.

The real theme of love cannot be exhausted or overemphasized, But love in summary is a true flow from the heart which should not be obstructed by anything.

About the Author

Edokpa Ehraim Esoche also known by his brand name E-Tripple Poetry is a 100L Law student of Ahmadu Bello University with the gift of words. He is an editor, content creator, and literary critic. He also writes poems, articles, and quot texts. Mr. Ephraim also loves to play scrabble and does spelling bee for fun.

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